Here we are in the last week for 2023. Probably many of us are thinking about all the things that happened during the year, those that we wanted to do and those that are still unattainable.
I remained pretty much silent during this year without any new releases after the 2022 EP “The Lo-Fi Sessions”
I had the need to reset myself in many areas. I probably took it too slow, but maybe that is what I needed after two very intense years I had in other ventures. Still, I managed to travel to new places to get inspired.
I went to the Iguazú Waterfalls, in Misiones, Argentina one of the natural wonders of the earth, I also had the chance to visit the Wanda Mines, another interesting visit to understand the extraction of diverse crystals.
Then I had the opportunity to visit Brazil for the first time, spending a few days around Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi. I loved it so much I have been learning Portuguese since then. I think I’m quite good at it.
Finally I visited my good friend Sebastian in Uruguay. It was my second time in Montevideo but My first time in Punta del Este. We had a good time!

The good thing is that while relaxed, I managed to keep composing new music and in 2024, I will release my new full length album. In fact, the release of it’s first single “Like Adults” will be released on 02/02/2024. Cool number hu?
Like Adults it’s a song about toxic relationships and the inevitable moment in which one of the parts wont take it anymore. Maybe the character in the lyrics has a lot of my personality, by simply avoiding conflict and just walk away.
It’s a very cool song with a lot of movement. A very solid Funky Rock track with very interesting moments, catchy phrases and a spark of magic.
This album is also special and different because it’s the first time I’m sharing the producer seat. This new album is Co-produced with Pepe German, he also plays the drums in the recordings in his professional and talented fashion.
I’m pretty sure the fans will enjoy this new single and I’m looking forward to hear what you think. Until then, here is the album cover:
The album cover has been done by me, Started with a photo I shot in Niteroi Brazil to the famous eye building by the notorious architect Oscar Niemeyer. The I worked around replacing concrete with white marble, to make it feel colder but impressive. Let me know if you like it.
Finally Please keep in touch with this effort and pre save for you to receive in Spotify this new song on release HERE