If you have been following me for a while, you already know that planning, executing and delivering this ambitious album for me was long and wonderful process of learning new skills, making new friends and finding myself in the process.
In July 15 2021 The album was released after more than 2 years in development, networking, and hard work.
So far I have a very clear picture of how things work in the industry and that a release campaign is crucial in order to gain notoriety, and it includes much more than just social networks. After saying this, there are a couple things to consider. First, you need to invest in yourself or nobody else will. So you gotta plan accordingly your finances to have a budget for promotion. Second, budget doesn’t lasts forever. So you gotta be smart about how to spend it with a clear strategy in mind for maximum optimization.
For me, touch points were:
Concept and art
Bloggers / Press
So this time I went in a different direction regarding conceptual promotion. Instead of delivering one music video for the main single in the album, I decided to make 10 short videos, 10 stories, one for each song in the album, by creating impact with great visuals on footage and me behind the desk at the edition room.
The reason for this, To me it was important to concentrate my marketing efforts in socials narrowed to just one channel. Instagram. I invested in promotion and engagement obtaining very good results!
In music platforms, I invested in organic promotion in Spotify because it’s sort of a badge you must have. But to me, Spotify is very unfriendly and cold for artists to engage with followers and promote themselves.
So, the real work for me was gaining traction in Soundcloud to be closer to my audience and people that enjoys listening to my music. Again, really good results.
Finally, press and bloggers. The usual send 100 emails get 4 replies, but I got coverage from really cool cats scattered around the globe.

To me this release was a dream come true, I focused in enjoying every minute of the moment above all. I’ve listen to the album several times and I love it! Of course I’m my number one fan. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
Martin Strang “Duality” Release Campaign in Numbers
Spotify: To date, 110.000 streams
Instagram: 11.200 followers / 215.632 organic views for video campaign
Soundcloud: 1172 followers / 5200 streams / 200 shares (organic)
Press Coverage: 4 Music blogs
Beautiful numbers, beautiful results. I’m happy, grateful and thrilled about the reception of my first full length album. Dreams do come true, if you focus and work hard to get them.
Surgery and recovery
On September, I had a surgery in my right ankle. I’ve had a broken ligament for a while and was time to fix it. It was a long process, so far everything went really good. I’m walking again and doing regular stuff but still in recovery and waiting for doctors order to start with physiotherapy.
September 2021
What’s next
First of all rest, and recover my health. It’s my main concern.
I’m studying a 6 month specialization in Medical Cannabis at the University at this time. If you know me, you already know that I have studied a lot in different areas. This topic, is something fascinating to me and the opportunity for a better quality of life with my chronic pain, which I’m focused on beating! Also, I like to help others with my knowledge.
The year is almost gone. Sadly, this year I won’t be able to spend Christmas with my family. Prices for air tickets from Argentina are through the roof still because of the pandemia. Hopefully next year…
Ok, Ok but What’s next in music?
Remember my Jazz EP “The Lockdown Sessions” ? Well, I’m recording a more urban follow up that will be titled “The Lofi Sessions” Three songs have been recorded, two more to go and then post production.
Will tell you more about this project in the following months. I’m expecting to drop the EP at the end of the first quarter of 2022.
Thanks for being here and following up